Practical approaches to Chinese martial arts training

While there are always some variations based upon tradition, lineage or teacher, the following outline indeed has a commonality in the Chinese martial arts world. I’d argue that this commonality extends to both “northern” and “southern”, and both “external” and “internal”. As I have stated before, I am not a big fan of these attributions. … More Practical approaches to Chinese martial arts training

Chinese Swords & Swordsmanship: Taking the On Guard Ready Stance

Chinese Swords forms start with the Jian, or a Dao, out of the scabbard held in the left hand. This at attention stance is a sort of half ready posture. From this position the weapon can be brought quickly into action. In the video we look at the technique men at arms employed to quickly … More Chinese Swords & Swordsmanship: Taking the On Guard Ready Stance

Ma Bao Guo defeated by San Da Kickboxing Enthusiast

“This morning, 69 year old Ma Baoguo, “gate keeper of Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan” against Wang Qingmin, 50 year old sanda enthusiast. It didn’t take long.” – Jarek Szymanski (who provided me with the video). Ma is famous for posting a video of him “beating a British MMA champ” and then challenging Xu Xiao Dong, only … More Ma Bao Guo defeated by San Da Kickboxing Enthusiast